CP430 - Calcolo Stocastico

II semestre, 2023-24

Docente: Pietro Caputo
email: pietro dot caputo at uniroma3 dot it

Ricevimento: per appuntamento via E-mail o su MS Teams

Libri consigliati:
Brownian Motion, by P. Moerters and Y. Peres, Cambridge University Press 2010
Introduction to stochastic differential equations, by L.C. Evans,
Brownian motion, martingales, and stochastic calculus, by J.F. Le Gall, Springer 2016
Continuous time Markov processes, by T.M. Liggett, AMS 2010

Programma e modalita' di esame pdf

Lezioni: Lunedi, Mercoledi, Venerdi ore 16 - 18 Aula A.

Diario delle lezioni html

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