Papers of Enza Orlandi

  1. Enza Orlandi: " Spectral Properties of integral operators in bounded, large intervals ",

  2. Enza Orlandi: " Spectral Properties of integral operators in problems of interfaces Dynamics ",
  3. Antonio Galves, Enza Orlandi and Daniel Yasumasa Takahashi: "Identifying interacting pairs of sites in infinite range Gibbs models ". in print Brazilian Journal of Probability and Statistics

  4. Nicolas Dirr and Enza Orlandi: " Uniqueness of the minimizer for a random nonlocal functional with double-well potential in $d\le2$ ", in print Annales de l'Institut Henri Poincare-Analyse non lineaire
  5. Michele Gianfelice and Enza Orlandi: " Dynamics and kinetic limit for a system of noiseless $d$-dimensional Vicsek-type particles ", Networks and Heterogeneous Media, Vol 9, No 2, 269-297 (2014)
  6. D.C.~Antonopoulou, G.D.~Karali, E. Orlandi: " A Hilbert expansions method for the rigorous sharp interface limit of the generalized Cahn-Hilliard Equation ", Interfaces and Free Boundaries No 16, 65-104(2014)
  7. Antonio Galves, Nancy L. Garcia, Eva Loecherbach and Enza Orlandi: "Kalikov-type decomposition for multicolor infinite range particle systems ". Ann. Applied Probability, volume 23, No4, pages 1629-1659, (2013) DOI: 10.1214/12-AAP882
  8. Mustapha Mourragui and Enza Orlandi: "Macroscopic properties and dynamical large deviations of the boundary driven Kawasaki process with long range interaction ", Nonlinearity, volume 26, pages 141-175,(2013) doi:10.1088/0951-7715/26/1/141
  9. Eric A. Carlen and Enza Orlandi: " Stability of planar fronts for a non--local phase kinetics equation with a conservation law in $D \le 3$ ", Reviews in Mathematical Physics, volume 24, 4 (84 pages) (2012)
  10. O. Benois, M.Mourragui, E.Orlandi, E. Saada and L. Triolo: " Quenched large deviations for Glauber evolution with Kac Interaction and Random Field " Markov Processes and Related Fields, vol 18, issue 2,pages 215-268, (2012)
  11. M. Cassandro, E.Orlandi and P. Picco: " Typical Gibbs configurations for the 1d Random Field Ising Model with long range interaction. " Comm. Math. Phy.: Vol 309, Issue 1, Page 229-253, (2012) DOI: 10.1007/s00220-011-1371-1
  12. Nicolas Dirr and Enza Orlandi " Unique minimizer for a Random functional with double-well potential in dimension 1 and 2 " Communications in Mathematical Sciences, vol. 9, pages 331-351 (2011)
  13. Eva Loecherbach and Enza Orlandi: "On the neighborhood radius estimation in Variable-neighborhood Markov Random Fields ". Stoch. Proc. Appl. 121,N 9, pages 2151-2185, (2011).
  14. Antonio Galves, Eva Loecherbach and Enza Orlandi: "Perfect simulation of infinite range Gibbs measures and coupling with their finite range approximations ". J.Stat. Phys. 138, Issue 1, pages 476-495, (2010)
  15. M.Mourragui and E.Orlandi: "Hydrodynamics of a disordered lattice gas with random reservoir". J. Stat. Phy. 136, pages 685-714 (2009)
  16. M. Cassandro, E.Orlandi and P. Picco: " Phase Transition in the 1d Random Field Ising Model with long range interaction. " preprint Comm. Math. Phy, Issue 2,pages 731-744 (2009)
  17. N. Dirr and E.Orlandi " Sharp-Interface limit of a Ginzburg-Landau functional with a Random External Field. " SIAM J. Math. Analysis 41, Issue 2,pages 781-824 (2009)
  18. E.Orlandi and P. Picco " One-dimensional random field Kac's model: weak large deviations principle " Electronic Journal Probability, Vol 14, pages 1372-1416 (2009).

  20. C. Kulske and E.Orlandi: " Continuous interfaces with disorder: Even strong pinning is too weak in 2 dimensions. " Stochastic Processes and their Applications. 118, pages 1973-1981, (2008)

  22. C. Kulske and E.Orlandi: " A simple fluctuation lower bound for a disorder massless random continuous spin model in $d=2$" Elect. Comm. in Probab. 11, pages 200-205, (2006)

  24. M. Mourragui and E.Orlandi: " Large deviations from a macroscopic scaling limit for particle systems with Kac interaction and random potential. " Annales de I.H.P. Probab &Stats. 43, pages 677-715, (2007)

  26. E.Carlen, M. Carvalho, E.Orlandi: " Approximate solution of the Cahn-Hilliard equation via corrections to the Mullins-Sekerka motion ", Archives for Rational Mechanics, vol 178, No 1, pages 1-55, (2005)

  28. M.Cassandro, E.Orlandi, P. Picco, E. Vares : " One-dimensional random field Kac's model:localization of the phases. ", Electronic Journal Probability, 20, pages 786-864 (2005)

  30. E.Orlandi : " Convergence to Mullins-Sekerka motion for phase kinetics equation with a consevation law ", Oberwolfach Report 30/2004, pag 1639-1642 (2004)

  32. Mustapha Mourragui, Enza Orlandi, Ellen Saada : " Macroscopic Evolution of particle systems with random field Kac interactions ", Nonlinearity 16, pag 2123-2147 (2003)

  34. M.Cassandro, E.Orlandi, P. Picco : " The optimal interface profile for a nonlocal model of phase separation ", Nonlinearity 15, pag 1621-1651 (2002)

  36. E. A. Carlen,M.C.Carvalho, E. Orlandi: " A simple proof of stability of fronts for the Cahn-Hilliard equation ", Communication Math. Phy. ,  25, N 1, 323--340 (2001)

  38. E. A. Carlen,M.C.Carvalho, E. Orlandi: " Algebraic rate of decay for the excess free energy and stability of fronts for a no--local phase kinetics equation with a conservation law, II "Comm. Par. Diff. Eq.,  25, N 5/6 , 2000

  40. E. A. Carlen,M.C.Carvalho, E. Orlandi: " Algebraic rate of decay for the excess free energy and stability of fronts for a no--local phase kinetics equation with a conservation law, I "  J. Stat. Phy.  ,95,  N 5/6,  1999

  42. M.Cassandro, E.Orlandi, P. Picco: " Typical configurations for one dimensional random field Kac model " Ann. Prob., 27, No. 3, 1414-1467, 1999

  44. E. A. Carlen,M.C.Carvalho, E. Orlandi: " Free energy inequalities and the rate of relaxation to instanton for interfaces profiles in Glauber dynamics " Nonlinear Differential Equations and Appl., 5, 205--218, 1998

  46. E. Orlandi, L. Triolo:" Travelling Fronts in nonlinear models for phase separation in external field," Proc.Royal Soc. Edinburgh, 127 A, 823-835,1997

  48. A. De Masi, E. Orlandi, E. Presutti, L. Triolo:" Glauber Evolution with Kac Potentials: III. Spinodal Decomposition," Nonlinearity 9, 53-114, 1996

  50. A. De Masi, E. Orlandi, E. Presutti, L. Triolo:" Glauber Evolution with Kac Potentials: II. Fluctuations," Nonlinearity 9, 27-51, 1996

  52. A. De Masi, E. Orlandi, E. Presutti, L. Triolo:" Glauber Evolution with Kac Potentials: I. Mesoscopic and macroscopic limits, interface dynamics, " Nonlinearity 7, 633-696, 1994

  54. A. De Masi, E. Orlandi, E. Presutti, L. Triolo:" Uniqueness of the instanton profile and global stability in non local evolution equation, " Rendiconti di Matematica. Serie VII, vol 14, 693-723, 1994
  55. A. De Masi, E. Orlandi, E. Presutti, L. Triolo:" Stability of the interface in a model of phase separation, " Proc. Royal Soc. Edinburgh 124 A, 1013-1022, 1994
  56. A. De Masi, E. Orlandi, E. Presutti, L. Triolo:" Motion by curvature by scaling non local evolution equations, " J. Stat. Phy. 73, 543-570, 1993
  57. M. Cassandro, E. Orlandi, E. Presutti: Interfaces and typical Gibbs Prob. Theory Relat. Fields Vol 96, 57-96, 1993

  58. E.Orlandi, E. Presutti: Some rigorous results on phase segregation for stochastic cellular automata Discrete Models of Fluid Dynamics; Advances in Math. for Applied Sciences Vol 63 , 933-974 , 1990

  59. J. Lebowitz, E.Orlandi, E. Presutti: A particle model for spinodal decomposition J. Stat. Phys. Vol 63, 933-974 , 1991

  60. G. Nappo, E.Orlandi, H. Rost: A reaction diffusion model for moderately interacting particles J. Stat. Phys. Vol 55, 579-600 , 1989

  61. J. Lebowitz, E.Orlandi, E. Presutti: Convergence of stochastic cellular automaton to Burgers'equation: fluctuations and stability Physica D , 165-188, 1988

  62. G. Nappo, E.Orlandi: Limits laws for a coagulation model of interacting random particles Ann. Inst. Henri Poincare, Prob. et Stat.Vol 24 , 319-344 , 1988

  63. G.F. Dell'Antonio, R. Figari, E.Orlandi: An Approach through orthogonal projections to the study of inhomogeneous o random media with linear response Ann. Inst. Henri Poincare Vol 44, 1-28, 1986

  64. R. Figari, E.Orlandi, S. Teta: Central limit theoremfor the laplacian in regions with many small holes Lectures Note in Mathematics Vol 1250 Stochastic Processes in Mathematics and Physics ll, 75-86, 1987

  65. R. Figari, E.Orlandi, S. Teta: The Laplacian in regions with many smallobstacles: fluctuations around the operator J. Stat. Phys. Vol 41, 465-487, 1985

  66. R.Figari,G.Papanicolau, E.Orlandi: Diffusive behaviour of a random walk in a random medium Taniguchi Symp. SA (Katata), 105-119, 1982

  67. R.Figari,G.Papanicolau, E.Orlandi: Mean field and gaussian approssimation for partial differential equations with random coefficients SIAM J.Appl.Math.Vol 42, 1069-1077,1982

  68. P. De Mottoni, A.Tesei, E.Orlandi: Asymptotic behaviour for a system describing epidemics with migration and spatial spread of infection Non Linear Analysis, Methods and Appl, Vol. 3, 663-675 ; 1979