Dipartimento di Matematica e Fisica

Luigi Chierchia

Professor of mathematical analysis

E-mail: luigi.chierchia (at) uniroma3.it
Phone: +39-0657338235 (+39-0657338212)
Fax: +39-0657338235 (+39-0657338072, +39-0657338080)
Address: Dipartimento di Matematica e Fisica - Sezione Matematica, Università ROMA TRE, Via della Vasca Navale, 84, I-00146 ROMA - Italy
Office (Studio): 0-17, Ground Floor; Steel Homes ("moduli") in the back of the parking of Physics

Background: Master ("laurea"), University of Roma "La Sapienza" (1981)
Ph. D., Courant Institute, NYU (1985)
Post doc: University of Arizona, ETH (Zürich), École Polytechnique (Palaiseau)

Current position: Full Professor in Mathematical Analysis, Math. Dept., University of Roma Tre
(since 2002)

Main scientific interests: Nonlinear differential equations and dynamical systems with emphasis on stability problems in Hamiltonian systems

Selected scientific achievements: Classical Hamiltonian systems and Celestial Mechanics:
  • Whitney smooth interpolation theorem for maximal Lagrangian tori in nearly-integrable Hamiltonian systems
  • Stability estimates in KAM theory (also computer assisted)
  • Analytic properties of invariant tori at the break-down threshold
  • Arnold diffusion (general theory for a priori unstable systems; variational estimates on diffusion speeds)
  • Direct proof of convergence of Lindstedt series and direct proof of Kolmogorov's theorem on persistence of invariant tori (via graph theory)
  • Extension of Moser's smooth KAM theory to lower dimensional elliptic tori
  • Existence of invariant tori in physical "sub-models" of the Solar system (computer-assisted)
  • Dissipative KAM theory for the spin-orbit problem
  • Completion and extension of Arnold's project on the existence of invariant tori for the planetary N-body problem
  • "Optimal" stability exponents for Nekhoroshev's Theorem in the general steep case
  • Singular KAM theory and optimal measure estimates for KAM tori

    One dimensional Schrödinger operators:
  • Spectral theory of quasi-periodic perturbations of periodic Schrödinger operators
  • Aysmptotic estimates on eigenfunctions

    Infinite dimensional Hamiltonian systems and PDEs:
  • Almost periodic solutions for infinite dimensional systems of interacting particles
  • KAM quasi-periodic solutions for nonlinear wave equations with periodic BC

  • Editorial Board:



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    Some conferences/workshops/schools (last five years)
