Background: |
Master ("laurea"), University of Roma "La
Ph. D., Courant Institute, NYU (1985)
Post doc:
University of Arizona, ETH (Zürich), École Polytechnique (Palaiseau)
Current position: |
Full Professor in Mathematical Analysis, Math. Dept., University of Roma Tre
(since 2002)
Main scientific interests: |
Nonlinear differential equations and dynamical systems with
emphasis on stability problems in Hamiltonian systems
Selected scientific achievements: |
Classical Hamiltonian systems and Celestial Mechanics:
Whitney smooth interpolation theorem for maximal Lagrangian tori in nearly-integrable Hamiltonian systems
Stability estimates in KAM theory (also computer assisted)
Analytic properties of invariant tori at the break-down threshold
Arnold diffusion (general theory for a priori unstable systems; variational estimates on diffusion speeds)
Direct proof of convergence of Lindstedt series and direct proof of Kolmogorov's theorem on
persistence of invariant tori (via graph theory)
Extension of Moser's smooth KAM theory to lower dimensional elliptic tori
Existence of invariant tori in physical "sub-models" of the Solar system (computer-assisted)
Dissipative KAM theory for the spin-orbit problem
Completion and extension of Arnold's project on the existence of invariant tori for the planetary N-body problem
"Optimal" stability exponents for Nekhoroshev's Theorem in the general steep case
Singular KAM theory and optimal measure estimates for KAM tori
One dimensional Schrödinger operators:
Spectral theory of quasi-periodic perturbations of periodic Schrödinger operators
Aysmptotic estimates on eigenfunctions
Infinite dimensional Hamiltonian systems and PDEs:
Almost periodic solutions for infinite dimensional systems of interacting particles
KAM quasi-periodic solutions for nonlinear wave equations with periodic BC
Editorial Board: |
Other: |